مرحبا بكم فى الموقع الرسمى لسيرة ومعجزات القديس ابراهيم البراوى المقارى ++++ كل ما هو جديد عن سيرة القديس ابراهيم البراوى ++++ صور جدبدة للقديس ++++ تحميل للسيرة والمعجزات مباشرة ++++ معجزات ومدائح و تماجيد وترانيم +++ يمكنك ارسال تعليقاتك او اسئلتك او استفسارتك او المعجزات التى حثت معك بشفاعه ابونا ابراهيم البراوى +++
+ بركه القديس ابراهيم البراوى تكون معكم + صلوا من اجلنا (ابناء السيده العذراء مريم وابونا ابراهيم البراوى )

الأربعاء، 15 ديسمبر 2010

نبذه عن القديس ابراهيم البراوى باللغه الانجليزيه saint ibrahim elbarawy

The Strong Saint

The Monk &Protopriest

"Ibrahim Elbarawy"

He was born in 1860 A.C in Abu Gerg village of (Elminya) in family of pious and wealthy+
 Having rested his parents in the Lord went to live with his elder brother in another village its name "Barawa" so he called "Elbarawy" and his brother was very rich

 His brother tried to marry him against his will but he refused to be a monk, so his brother agitated and hit him by shoe.

 He fled and became a monk in the great st Macarius convent in Wadi El Natroon region, then became priest and Protopriest.

 Like Moses in the output of water from the rock and like Elijah in his power.

 Famous for doing the verses and many miracles and the strong acute word.

 Had a gift of prophecy and knowledge of people and their needs before they ask him.

 A close friend to Pope Kyrillos the 5th and called him .

 Very revered to Pope Yu'anis the 19th so gave him his clothes he was wearing as he sat on the throne of St Mark (the clothes name was "Elshah Alhomssani").

 He used to say I am the son of Abu Maqar (st Macarius the great) on the spear head, so his famous that he (The Planet of the Planet son) and loved Virgin Mary and the Martyr st Mina the miraculous.

 Was going to pray with the hermit father Mena in the cave (Pope Kyrillos the 6th) and they go with the holy wilderness tourists to Arrive in st Mena convent before it Arises.

 Served the convent altar of Prince Tadros Alshotbi for nuns in Haret Alroom in Cairo.

 Asked the Lord to take him in satisfaction hour so the Lord told him before three months from the date of body departure, meet his family and loved ones to farewell and told them that he going to die in his convent.

 After the Liturgy prayer and gave friars the holy sacrifice(the body and blood) and before parting the sacrifice angel Prostrated in front of the sacred altar and his spirit went out in peace to heaven in 7Hator 1657 for Martyrs , November 16, 1941.

Blessing of his prayers be with us.

To registration of miracles contact

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